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  • Photo of Dido Heath

    Dido Heath 

    Director of College Counseling
Smarttrack College Funding

College Counseling

Christchurch graduates, boarding and day, go on to attend diverse institutions of higher education, including colleges and universities among the most selective in the nation. 100% of graduates are accepted to four-year colleges.

Christchurch graduates go on to attend diverse institutions of higher education, including colleges and universities among the most selective in the nation. One hundred percent of graduates are accepted to four-year colleges. 

Christchurch's goal, however, is not merely to see students accepted to good colleges, it's to see students thrive at good colleges. 

The school's college counselor works one-on-one with students throughout the college consideration and application process, and has also established connections with university admissions representatives at public and private institutions around the country. The counselor guides students toward colleges and universities that best match their needs, and explains to university representatives how the unique Christchurch experience prepares graduates to make strong contributions to their undergraduate communities. 

A series of college prep seminars helps Christchurch students prepare for every phase of the application process, including testing, writing essays, researching scholarships, and more. Representatives from 40 diverse colleges and universities visit the Christchurch campus each fall, and juniors attend the annual Richmond Area independent Schools College Fair every spring. 

Christchurch's college counseling process focuses on finding the ideal college fit for each student. Students are encouraged to apply to universities where the course offerings, location, size, and cost of tuition are all in keeping with students' interests, needs, and educational and career goals. 

The results of this personalized college counseling process are impressive. Some 90 percent of Christchurch students are admitted to one or more of their top three college choices.
College Representatives - to schedule a visit to Christchurch,
please contact College Counselor Dido Heath.

Christchurch School

49 Seahorse Lane,
Christchurch, Virginia 23031