Hall Leader 3rd Scott; Intern

Wofford College
BA Studio Art; Art History

Originally from nearby Kilmarnock, Walker Antonio is very familiar with boarding school. He graduated from Woodberry Forest, and says it was at boarding school that he realized he could follow his passions in BOTH the arts and athletics.

Walker is an accomplished artist. He won the Violet Niles Walker Art Award at Woodberry and the Whetsell Fellowship at Wofford University. This year, he signed a contract with the Lilienthal Gallery in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Walker is passionate about music, visual art, lacrosse, soccer, TV shows and movies, and late-night pizza!

Admission Associate; Hall Leader 2nd Murrell; Assistant Softball Coach 
University of Georgia
BS Sport Management 
Ellie Armistead was born in Williamsburg and grew up in Mathews, VA. She attended the University of Georgia on a full softball scholarship. At UGA, she started four years at shortstop, was in the Leadership Program, and was an honor roll student.

Ellie is excited to be at Christchurch. "I love the atmosphere and community here! I look forward to giving back to the game of softball and helping the players become strong, successful people."

Ellie lives in the Second Murrell apartment with her golden retriever, Scout. She loves sports, working out, being outside in nature and the sun, spending time with family and friends, and staying active. 

University of Florida
PhD Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Louisiana State University
MSc Zoology
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
BS Marine Biology
Joel Carlin grew up in the Amish country of northern Indiana, where there were horse hitches at the grocery store! He attended a small public school and was one of only four in his graduating class to leave the area. 
Joel comes to Christchurch from a small, private school - Springdale Preparatory in New Windsor, MD - where he taught middle and high school science. Before that, he was at The Ross School in East Hampton, NY. Joel has also taught at the college level, including 13 years as a professor of aquatic biology at Gustavus Adolphus College. He served on the advisory council for Ecologists Without Borders for six years. 
When Joel interviewed, he thought this is the place for me when he met our students. “I really appreciate people who are polite and genuine. Genuine doesn’t mean happy all the time, it just means presenting yourself to others in a genuine way.”
Joel has visited or lived in over 20 countries and once came in second place at a chopsticks competition in China. He loves music, anime, manga, hiking, watching wildlife, and drawing. The Carlin family lives in the Wilton Faculty Village.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
BS Mathematics

Jill Casciello grew up in Cumberland, MD, where she attended Bishop Walsh High School. She is one of six sisters and was "blessed to have the most incredible mom and dad."

Jill taught math in the Chesterfield County (VA) Public Schools for sixteen years and was an adjunct mathematics instructor for the Virginia Community College system. She is "so excited” to join the Christchurch community, where she has "the opportunity to positively impact the lives of the students." She says, "Imagine the world if everyone made a conscious effort to help others whenever possible." 

Jill and her husband, Randall, are both VA Tech Hokies and were pleased to recently move back to Virginia after several years in Tampa, FL. Their daughter, Ava, is an engineer in Charlottesville, and their son, Leo, is in his junior year at VA Tech. She loves reading, tennis, volunteering, spending time with family and friends, and tea! 
Health Services
University of Virginia
BS Commerce
Pennsylvania State University
MEd School Counseling
Hagerstown Community College
ADN Registered Nurse
Old Dominion University
BSN Registered Nursing 
It is wonderful to have Carolyn Bell back on campus! Her husband, Franklin Bell, returned to Christchurch last year as our Science Department Chair. The Bell family lived on campus years ago, in the 80s and early 90s, when Franklin taught marine science. 

Originally from Summit, NJ, Carolyn worked for three years as a nurse in the Mercersburg Academy health center and most recently cared for the elderly at Rappahannock Westminster Canterbury.

Carolyn says, "I've been so reminded of the supportive sense of community that we took for granted when we were here from 1985-1994. I never found that same sense of belonging and community in any of the other five schools we were involved with over the years."
When it comes to a personal philosophy, Carolyn believes that "outlook determines outcome," "being fair isn't treating everyone the same, being fair is giving everyone what they need," and "success isn't how high you jump, success is how high you bounce." 

Carolyn loves swimming, staying active, traveling, camping, crocheting, sewing, reading, and teaching. She is a 5x All-American swimmer and is training to compete in the Master's Swimming Nationals next April. 

The Bells have three grown children, all of whom were born while they were at Christchurch the first time! They live nearby with their two doodles. 
Associate Director of Community Life and Culture 

Emory and Henry University
BS English and Women's Studies 

Amanda Gravatt '93 grew up across the river, in Kilmarnock, VA. She graduated from Christchurch School in 1993 and regards being a Seahorse as a highlight of her life. "One of the best decisions my parents ever made was gifting me the opportunity to go to Christchurch School. It has always been a place where I have felt inspired and fully engaged."

Amanda previously served Christchurch as summer camp director and then Dean of Students. "I know the impact of the Christchurch experience. I believe that every student who joins our community has an opportunity to grow and experience learning in a way that will inspire them to become the best versions of themselves. I consider it a privilege to be part of this experience with them and their families. I am excited to return to Christchurch and do everything I can for the students here now." 

Before and following her previous employment at Christchurch, Amanda was a youth development professional with local and nationally known youth agencies and nonprofits, including the YMCA, Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc. 

Amanda loves everything about the water, especially fishing and kayaking. She enjoys history and all things vintage. She cares for a family home built in 1741 and loves spending time on the road in her 1967 Volkswagen Beetle. 

Amanda lives on campus with her family. She has three children. Her youngest, Lyla, will be a 9th grader at CCS. Her family includes a 17-pound black cat, a three-pound shorkie, and a 2.5-foot bearded dragon. 

Learning Specialist

The College of New Rochelle
MS Psycholinguistic Learning Disabilities Specialist, Psychoeducational Diagnostician

We are thrilled to welcome Gracejean Hennigar back to the Learning Skills suite! 

Gracejean is the legendary founder of the CCS Learning Skills Program, which, in 1983, was the first of its kind in the state of Virginia.

Gracejean was a beloved teacher to generations of students, and was a mentor to learning specialists for decades. In fact, she mentored our current Learning Skills Director - Mollie Brumfield - when she joined the program in 2003.

Gracejean retired as LSP Director in 2016 and was inducted into the Christchurch Hall of Fame for Lifetime Achievement in 2022. 

Welcome home, Gracejean!
Director of Communications
Hampden-Sydney College
BA English
A native of Farmville, VA, Shaun Irving has worked across creative disciplines in a career spanning over two decades. Prior to joining Christchurch, he served as an advisor and marketing consultant to boarding schools, colleges and universities across America. In addition, he is an accomplished ultra-large-format photographer (profiled by the New York Times, Wired, and the Discovery Channel) and a notable film and television actor (who starred in two television campaigns for GEICO).
Shaun notes, “This school is a magical place, with folks who are truly committed to helping our young men and women become their best selves. I’m so excited to be a part of the Christchurch family."
Mr. Irving enjoys historic preservation and the outdoors. He resides with his family in Richmond, VA.
Wheaton College
BA Literature, Teaching Certification 
The Catholic University of America
The Protestant Episcopal Seminary of Virginia
The Rev. Kimball was born in central Illinois and raised on a farm. She is a product of both public and private schools, and graduated from a private Christian college, Wheaton College in Illinois. She holds a Masters in Library Science from The Catholic University of America and a Masters in Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary, at which she received the prize for the Public Reading of Scripture and Liturgy. 
Jennifer lives in Gloucester with her husband the Rev. Sven VanBaars. She has worked in various churches and schools in her 20 years of ordained ministry, always focusing on children and youth. Jen previously served as advisor to the lay Chaplain of Christchurch School John Alter and is looking forward to being a part of daily life on campus and knowing students better. She serves part time, leading chapel services and teaching one elective class called the Bible and Controversy. 
Choral and Performing Arts

Virginia Commonwealth University
BA Music Education 

Regan Sprenkle comes to us from our sister school, St. Catherine’s, in Richmond, VA where she was a music educator for seven years. 

As a music teacher, Regan strives to provide a safe, non-judgmental, and accepting environment where trust is of the utmost importance and each student gains a sense of belonging and importance. A place where their needs and goals can be met while also knowing they will have full support when facing challenges. She believes that when this is provided, learning thrives and outcomes are taken to an extraordinary level, especially in the area of music education where being creative and openly making mistakes can be a vulnerable experience for some. However, in a supportive environment, students can, and will, grow into confident, well-rounded musicians, performers, writers, and music connoisseurs. 

Regan splits her time between an apartment on campus and her home in Richmond. Her son, Max, is a 9th grader at Christchurch. 

Community Life Assistant

Frostburg State University
BS Business Administration 

Esther Stitt is a dynamo who, though new to her role as Community Life Assistant, is already very familiar to Christchurch students, parents, and faculty. 

Born in Frederick, MD, Esther enrolled at Saint James School in Hagerstown. She immediately fell in love with the school’s environment and decided to become a boarding student despite the proximity to her home. She describes her time at Saint James as transformative, shaping who she is today with its emphasis on character, accountability, and hard work. 

Esther’s journey took a happy turn toward Christchurch when she met Seahorse JP Stitt ‘92 while summering at Deep Creek Lake. When JP’s high school roommate and family relocated to Christchurch, the Stitts had an opportunity to spend a good deal of time on campus and re-connect with the school. Very quickly they realized that Christchurch would be the perfect school for their children. With their children boarding, JP and Esther spent more and more time on campus, always asking “How can we serve the community?” Esther was quickly appointed President of the Parent Council.

When a position in CL opened, Esther didn’t hesitate to jump at the chance to add “employee” to her roles. The Stitts happily moved into the First Scott apartment, where JP will serve as Hall Leader. 

Esther cherishes outdoor activities and time spent by the water socializing with friends. She loves family time on their boat and dreams of a retirement journey along the Intracoastal Waterway. She and JP are passionate about travel and adventure, and live by the philosophy of treating others as they would like to be treated, working hard, and maintaining integrity. 

Cole graduated in 2024, and Jennianne is a senior this year. The family also includes Murphy, their mini Aussi. 

JP STITT '92 P ‘24, ‘25
Hall Leader 1st Scott 

Shepherd University  
BS Business Administration 

JP Stitt was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and adopted by the Stitts at three months old. He grew up in Fairmont, West VA, and the family’s vacation home at Deep Creek Lake, MD.

JP was diagnosed with dyslexia and struggled in traditional schools until his family found Christchurch. CCS was an ideal fit for JP with its one-of-a-kind Learning Skills Program and team sports. Skills learned in LSP  had a lasting impact on him, as did the lifelong relationships that he formed. 

After seven years in Colorado, JP returned to West Virginia to manage the family business, Royal Resources. For twenty years, he managed mineral holdings in the US and abroad.

JP and Esther married in 2004 and raised their two children in West Martinsburg. When the Stitts found that their children’s school no longer met their needs, they discovered that Christchurch and its Learning Skills Program was - once again - the right choice for their family. JP and Esther spent a great deal of time on campus serving the community, and Esther was appointed Parent Council President.

Eager to spend even more time at CCS, Esther jumped at the chance to take on the role of Community Life Assistant this year, and JP happily agreed to the role of Hall Leader. Their son, Cole, graduated in 2024, and their daughter, Jennianne, is a senior. 

The Stitts live in the First Scott apartment with their mini Aussie, Murphy. JP enjoys golf, boating, and traveling with friends and family.   

Christchurch School

49 Seahorse Lane,
Christchurch, Virginia 23031